They are entering the Mountain Gate (山門) of CTTB.
Such a sincere moment!
The atmosphere is solemn .
Touching the ground,
Being touched by the spirit of Venerable Master Hsuan Hua.
The cultivating road is still very long • • • • •
Bowing with whole heart!
Three-step-one-bow pilgrimage (朝山)
The “Three-step-one-bow pilgrimage” was held on The Commemoration of the 14th Anniversary of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Entering Nirvana (宣化上人十四週年涅槃紀念日, May 31). It began at 7 o’clock in the morning.
I took some photos first, and then I joined the pilgrimage line. When I bowed with my head touching the ground, I was feeling grateful and respectable to the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. Without his effort of firewood-carts and rags (篳路藍縷), we should not have this opportunity to live here and cultivate ourselves.
I think this place is kind of an ultimate bliss(極樂世界) in the evil time of the five turbidities.(五濁惡世).